Therapeutic Day Spa
Therapeutic Massage and Skin Care
Signature Line of Natural and Organic Products
Experience the Journey to Wellness!
Insurance Accepted
Therapeutic Day Spa:
Massage Therapy
Therapeutic Massage Treatments
Injury/Illness Treatments
Full Day Spa
Spa Packages
Customized Wellness Program
One on One Client Care
Unique Creations Theraputic Day Spa is dedicated to the wellness of you!
Unique Creations Therapeutic Day Spa specializes in treatments to aid and to help manage chronic long term and short term pain illnesses and syndromes such as
Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid arthritis, neck, back and spinal injuries,
sports and personal injuries. In addition to treating medical
conditions we are also a full day spa. Not only do we provide therputic
services to manange illness and injuries we also can provide a number
of relaxing massages, body treatments, facials and nail treatments.
At Unique Creations Theraputic Day Spa we offer a Wellness Program customized to fit the needs of each client. Our Wellness Program also includes customized massage therapy, monthly treatment goals and one on one counseling program.